Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Attention Seeker

One that says things for attention may have a heartbreaking story they don't want anyone to know behind all of those attention seeking lies and stories. When no one cares, you may do anything to get attention from anyone.
Love is a need, not a want.

Some people say things that aren't necessarily true, most little white lies to get out of trouble. But what happens when the stories a person is telling are so far-fetched that there could be no way that they could be true? Most would say they are a liar or more specifically, an "attention seeker". What causes the need to make up such tales? Why do they need all that attention if it just gets that person ridiculed? It's almost like their life is a fiction book that they are writing and re-writing every day. Nothing is real anymore.

One cause of this may be that specific person's home life. You may have a perfect fairy-tale family that has no problems, everyone is all there for each other, and your family is just one big ball of happy. Yeah, you may have little arguments with your parents and maybe you don't get along with your little sibling all the time. But those are forgotten after a while. They generally aren't so traumatizing that you're forever scarred. But not everyone's life is like that.

What happens when your parent is so physically abusive that you have to make up reasons on why you have so many bruises or scratches on your body? Or when you come home all beat up from a bully that has anger-control issues and no one even cares that you have a big, swollen black eye and red marks all over your face and chest? When no one cares, you want someone to care. Life is powered by love and compassion from a sibling, parent, close friend, or lover. But when you have no love, and all you want is to be noticed and cared about by someone, anyone at all, you may resort to lying. To making up these stories that were once believable, but have slowly lost their truth and legitimacy. And what happens? People may make fun of you and you may get ridiculed, but you're getting that attention you crave, that attention you feel like you need to survive.

Everyone needs someone to listen to them, to love them, every day of their lives. It's what makes someone happy. And everyone deserves to be happy.

Make someone's day. Show them that you care.

*These are opinions and are not always true in all incidences. I reserve the right to express my opinion from my view point and record what I observe. This is not meant to be offensive to anyone, but to inform what may be going on in a person's life behind what is shown. No one I know or have ever been in contact with is a person of interest or main person on any of these blogs because I will not share a person's private life.

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